Jordan Schulz Jordan Schulz

Capital High - A Space To Call Home

In the academic year 2023-2024, the Madison Metropolitan School District proudly welcomed a valuable addition to its educational repertoire – the newly unified Capital High School. Last night, we were honored to join in on the ribbon-cutting ceremony that marked the commencement of this transformative venture. Formerly divided into three distinct programs – Capital West, Capital East, and the Parenting Program – Capital High School now stands as a cohesive and innovative public alternative high school, a testament to the community's support through the 2020 Future Ready Referendum.

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Jordan Schulz Jordan Schulz

A New Elementary School For Madison’s South Side

A new elementary school is being constructing for Madison’s South Side. With the completion of this project, students residing in the Rimrock Neighborhood will bid farewell to their long bus commutes to Frank Allis Elementary School, and instead, enjoy the convenience of attending a school located in their own community.

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